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Our OptiFlow™ fans feature a fully welded, aluminum airfoil blade design for high operating efficiency and quiet operations, with the characteristic non-overloading horsepower curve. These fans provide very stable operation due to a steeply rising pressure curve and are available to meet AMCA Class II or Class III requirements.


All fans, whether in single or multiple fan configurations, are mounted on spring isolators with seismic restraints, and are available to satisfy the most stringent seismic requirements of the International Building Code.

Unique in the industry, our full range of fans are licensed to bear both the AMCA Standard 210 seal for air performance and the AMCA Standard 300 seal for sound performance.

Our spring isolators are designed with seismic restraints as a standard feature.


Benefits of Multiple Fan Configurations


Optimum Energy Efficiency
Offering optimum size fan and motor selections that keep fan diameters larger; utilizing higher operating efficiency fan motors; and eliminating energy robbing bearings and belt drives all contribute to optimum energy efficiency.

System Redundancy
For critical applications that must be capable of 100% airflow at all times, multiple fans ensure 100% air flow even when any one fan is inoperable.

Improved Acoustical Performance
Fans in multiple fan systems will operate at a higher RPM than on large single fan in an identical application, resulting in reduced sound levels in the hard to attenuate 1st and 2nd octave bands.

Reduced Unit Footprint
Smaller fans require less cabinet length to house their assemblies, and they require less space both upstream and downstream of the fans while still ensuring good air distribution and efficient operations.  However, the space cannot be reduced below what is needed to provide proper service access.  A four fan system can typically reduce unit length by 4’ or more when compared to a single fan system.

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