Cookies Settings
Technical Cookies
These cookies are essential to ensure the correct functioning of the website, to allow you to register/login and access reserved features, and to allow us to monitor the security of the website and improve operating performance, for example, by storing your preferences to enhance your subsequent visits.
Analytics Cookies
These cookies allow us to collect and analyze traffic and use of the website on an anonymous basis and to understand and improve how visitors use the website, including which pages and products are viewed most frequently. These cookies are not strictly necessary for the website to work but will provide you a better browsing experience.
Profiling Cookies
These cookies allow us to track your navigation of the website to create profiles of your tastes, habits, choices, etc., to send you promotional messages targeted to your preferences. Refusal of these cookies will not affect the proper functioning of the website but will prevent us from being able to send your promotional messages targeted to your preferences.
By clicking “Accept All”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts.
For more information on which cookies we use, click here.
For more information on which cookies we use, click here.
Bâtis et armoires
Vos systèmes informatiques et vos centres de données exigent des performances optimales, un déploiement rapide et des possibilités d'évolution. Nos bâtis, boîtiers et armoires pour centres de données appuient et protègent vos infrastructures et installations informatiques stratégiques. Au fil du développement de votre entreprise, nos solutions modulaires et nos concepts mobiles s'adaptent à votre espace et à votre budget.
Types de produit
Outdoor Enclosures
Sécurisez vos équipements de supports de son, d'images et d'information à l'aide de solutions fiables et personnalisées, pour les petites armoires extérieures comme les grandes infrastructures.