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71% say current data centers are not meeting all of their needs

Columbus, Ohio [Feb. 18, 2020] – Just 29% of data center decision-makers say their current facilities are meeting their needs, and just 6% say their data centers are updated ahead of their needs. These are among the findings included in a new report from Forbes Insights and Vertiv (NYSE: VRT). “The Modern Data Center: How IT is Adapting to New Technologies and Hyperconnectivity,” examines the results of a survey of 150 data center executives and engineers from various industries around the world.

The survey results indicate a troubling lack of planning and preparation for today’s evolving data ecosystem. A closer examination of the results reveals a stark contrast between executives and engineers: 11% of executives say their data centers are updated ahead of current needs while just 1% of engineers say the same.

“As today’s data center evolves to incorporate enterprise, cloud and edge resources, thorough planning and foresight is needed to meet organizational computing requirements and business objectives,” said Martin Olsen, vice president of Global Edge Systems for Vertiv. “It is clear, however, that many organizations are lagging on that front. With that in mind, we anticipate considerable investment and activity among businesses trying to catch up and get ahead of the changes.”

Other notable results from the survey:

  • 92% of CIOs and CTOs say their business will require faster download and response times in the near future.
  • 63% say they have difficulty meeting bandwidth needs at all times.
  • Security (45%) and bandwidth (43%) are the two areas most in need of upgrades.
  • Security (43%), backup and emergency preparedness (33%), the ability to implement new technologies (28%) and bandwidth (27%) were the most commonly identified features that will give businesses a competitive advantage.
  • Respondents are bullish on self-configuring and self-healing data centers. 24% said more than half of their data centers will be self-configuring by 2025, and 32% said more than half would be self-healing.

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About Vertiv

Vertiv (NYSE: VRT) brings together hardware, software, analytics and ongoing services to ensure its customers’ vital applications run continuously, perform optimally and grow with their business needs. As Architects of Continuity™, Vertiv solves the most important challenges facing today’s data centers, communication networks and commercial and industrial facilities with a portfolio of power, cooling and IT infrastructure solutions and services that extends from the cloud to the edge of the network. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, USA, Vertiv employs approximately 20,000 people and does business in more than 130 countries. For more information, and for the latest news and content from Vertiv, visit


Schuyler Easterling
T +314-982-8673

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