Travailler avec un représentant du fabricant Vertiv permet de configurer des conceptions complexes en fonction de vos besoins uniques. Si vous êtes une organisation à la recherche de conseils techniques sur un projet d’envergure, Vertiv peut vous fournir le soutien dont vous avez besoin.

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De nombreux clients travaillent avec un partenaire revendeur Vertiv pour acheter des produits Vertiv destinés à leurs applications informatiques. Les partenaires disposent d’une formation et d’une expérience approfondies et sont particulièrement bien placés pour spécifier, vendre et assurer le soutien de solutions informatiques et d’infrastructure complètes avec les produits Vertiv.

Trouver un revendeur

Vous savez déjà ce dont vous avez besoin? Vous recherchez la commodité de l’achat en ligne et de l’expédition? Certaines catégories de produits Vertiv peuvent être achetées auprès d’un revendeur en ligne.

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Besoin d’aide pour choisir un produit? Parlez à un spécialiste Vertiv hautement qualifié qui vous guidera vers la solution qui vous convient.

Contacter un spécialiste Vertiv

Besoin d’aide pour choisir un produit? Parlez à un spécialiste Vertiv hautement qualifié qui vous guidera vers la solution qui vous convient.

Contacter un spécialiste Vertiv

It’s hard to miss the social movement to encourage more women into STEM and the associated careers – a positive move for girls, women and all scientific fields. Although the numbers are slowly climbing, women still account for only 28% of engineering graduates and 40% of graduates in computer science and informatics, according to the UNESCO Science Report chapter released in 2021. Forward-thinking companies would agree that “To be smart, the digital revolution will need to be Inclusive,” which is why UNESCO titled their report exactly that.

Tech Growth Means Tech Jobs

The digital revolution means massive growth for the critical infrastructure industry, and Vertiv is no exception. For more than a year, we’ve been in the midst of a major global hiring initiative to support continuous innovation and product development – hiring for a comprehensive range of tech jobs, from newly minted project and product managers, to seasoned engineers, and every position in between.

The UN’s website said it well: The world needs science, and science needs women and girls. Vertiv appreciates all the whip-smart, dedicated women who bring immense value and countless new ideas to our team, and we encourage others to explore the innumerous amount of fascinating tech careers, or careers in STEM. So to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we called on a few of our female leaders to share their thoughts for women currently holding technology jobs, as well as female students considering careers in tech.

Build Self-Confidence Like You Build Muscle

220x220-Sheryl-Haislet.jpg“Continue to work on your self-confidence. It’s like muscle – you need to get out of your comfort zone to build it. It’s OK to feel uncomfortable, and don’t be afraid to fail. Conquering fear prevents stagnation, increases confidence and facilitates development.”

Sheryl Haislet

Chief Information Officer


Don’t Be Discouraged, Stay Focused and Work Hard

300x300-Amy-Chen.jpg“If you ever encounter anyone who dismisses women in technology, don’t be discouraged by them. Because there are many more others out there who truly want to help and see women succeed in technology. The most important thing is to work hard and put in focused effort with a determined mind.”

Amy Chen

Director, Firmware Engineering at Vertiv, P.E.


Take Chances

200x200-Angie-McMillin_298159_0.jpg“I’ve learned to take chances on opportunities I wasn’t planning or expecting.  If a door opens, give it serious consideration. Often these chances will broaden and strengthen you in the long run, and can exceed your expectations.”

Angie McMillin
Vice President and General Manager, IT Management Systems


Deloitte Global predicts that the technology industry will likely continue to close the gender gap in the years ahead, at least the largest companies. Vertiv is excited to see more women enter this growing field, and through our internship program and ongoing hiring initiatives, we’d like more of them to build their technology careers at Vertiv.

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