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De nombreux clients travaillent avec un partenaire revendeur Vertiv pour acheter des produits Vertiv destinés à leurs applications informatiques. Les partenaires disposent d’une formation et d’une expérience approfondies et sont particulièrement bien placés pour spécifier, vendre et assurer le soutien de solutions informatiques et d’infrastructure complètes avec les produits Vertiv.

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Besoin d’aide pour choisir un produit? Parlez à un spécialiste Vertiv hautement qualifié qui vous guidera vers la solution qui vous convient.

Contacter un spécialiste Vertiv

Most industry leaders agree that to be agile and innovative in the world of STEM, you need to foster a workplace where people of all backgrounds and perspectives can bring their ideas to the table. Even so, Vertiv recognizes that women today remain underrepresented across the various STEM fields. While there is still work to be done, we believe we are making significant progress in changing the landscape by appointing more women to leadership roles across the business, providing more diversity in the opportunity to lead, develop and bring positive change to our organization — and to the industry at large.

Vertiv joins the UN in celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, 2023, by lifting up the voices of some of our company’s women leaders in STEM disciplines.

Push Boundaries, Especially Your Own


Being a female leader in a male-dominated space like technology takes courage and confidence. Set high expectations for yourself and your team. Foster an environment of collaboration and trust. This will lead not just to customer satisfaction but also to job satisfaction.

Donna Carter
Director, End User Services, Information Technology

Inspire, Enable, Empower


Women have made important gains in representation at work, especially in senior leadership, proving that we can be inspirational leaders, stronger people managers and active champions of diversity, equity and inclusion. This is deep cultural work to create a workplace where all women feel valued and appreciated. We need to enhance the recognition of women and uplift women leaders who are driving progress. This visibility can help reduce bias, inspire and empower other women, and shows that there is a support network for women in technology workplaces.

Melannie Del Angel
Product Offering & Services Manager CIMS

Be OK with Feeling Uncomfortable


You may often be the only woman in the room; be OK with that. You have earned your way there. Be present, be confident, and actively contribute. Remember, better decisions are made with a diverse team; your voice is vital.

Find a mentor. She can help you to develop the grit you need to take on the challenging, continuous learning of a STEM career and to learn to be comfortable with discomfort and to learn from your failures. Even if you’re not early in your career, it’s never too late for women in tech to develop these relationships.

Sheryl Haislet
Chief Information Officer

Show How Your Differences Set You Apart


Diversity of thoughts and approaches brings collective creativity to problem-solving. Women in technology should share creative ideas with confidence when the ideas are in the customers' best interest. This is a benefit to the customer, the company and you personally. Focusing on customer outcomes and adding value will get you notice and recognition.

Nathalie Reagins
Director, Channel Technical Sales, IRS & ITS Solutions Sales, North America

To Impact Change, Inspire Change


Inclusivity shouldn’t be just a requirement. Women in technology, especially leaders, are in a position to elevate the conversation and to drive opportunities that can shift inclusivity from a requirement to an advantageous norm. Lean into and build a strong network where women supporting women is commonplace. Raising up one woman is raising the waterline for all. When we embrace and celebrate our diversity, we create a positive circle of influence.

Sharon Thomas
Americas Director, Engineering, Offering Management and Sales

Vertiv’s internship program and ongoing hiring initiatives help women build their technology careers. Explore current opportunities at Vertiv.

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