Working with our Vertiv Sales team enables complex designs to be configured to your unique needs. If you are an organization seeking technical guidance on a large project, Vertiv can provide the support you require.

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Many customers work with a Vertiv reseller partner to buy Vertiv products for their IT applications. Partners have extensive training and experience, and are uniquely positioned to specify, sell and support entire IT and infrastructure solutions with Vertiv products.

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Already know what you need? Want the convenience of online purchase and shipping? Certain categories of Vertiv products can be purchased through an online reseller.

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Need help choosing a product? Speak with a highly qualified Vertiv Specialist who will help guide you to the solution that is right for you.

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Need help choosing a product? Speak with a highly qualified Vertiv Specialist who will help guide you to the solution that is right for you.

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Vertiv 的優勢

透過用模組化整合技術在世界各地有效設計與建置資料中心,Vertiv 讓核心資料中心與關鍵設施容量變得輕鬆簡單。



維持業務營運的關鍵系統不會停機。Vertiv 利用一系列創新的 Liebert 不斷電系統(UPS)、整合的 UPS 系統來協助您提高正常運作時間,這些系統將滿足您 IT 基礎設施的備用電源需求。


機架、機櫃和機箱為您的關鍵 IT 和設施提供支援和保護。隨著您的業務成長,我們的模組化解決方案和行動設計可配合您的空間和預算需求。




遠端監控機架的微環境(透過 WAN 或 LAN),以及功耗、總電流和電壓,以保障連續性和最佳的運作情況。


設定正確的空調或空氣處理裝置可幫助您防止可能導致關鍵 IT 設備故障或關閉的熱點。
