Working with our Vertiv Sales team enables complex designs to be configured to your unique needs. If you are an organization seeking technical guidance on a large project, Vertiv can provide the support you require.

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Many customers work with a Vertiv reseller partner to buy Vertiv products for their IT applications. Partners have extensive training and experience, and are uniquely positioned to specify, sell and support entire IT and infrastructure solutions with Vertiv products.

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Already know what you need? Want the convenience of online purchase and shipping? Certain categories of Vertiv products can be purchased through an online reseller.

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Need help choosing a product? Speak with a highly qualified Vertiv Specialist who will help guide you to the solution that is right for you.

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Need help choosing a product? Speak with a highly qualified Vertiv Specialist who will help guide you to the solution that is right for you.

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儘管它們提供了這些應用所需的功率和可靠性,但在適當的監視和維護實踐的支持下,它們通常被視為關鍵功率鏈中的薄弱環節。 它們往往需要高維護,沉重並且需要經常更換。

現在,鋰離子電池已成為一種可行的替代方案,並且越來越多的用戶正在評估該技術用於關鍵任務環境中的UPS應用。 作為關鍵基礎設施系統的全球領先提供商,Vertiv已與眾多考慮鋰離子電池的客戶合作,以解決他們在決定是否繼續使用該技術時面臨的關鍵問題。






