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Managing Small Spaces - How Connectivity, the Cloud, Big Data and Mobility are Revolutionizing Distributed IT and Edge Management

maio 28, 2018

This paper provides an overview of how IT management is shifting to distributed edge locations and the dynamics that are influencing that shift.

It introduces four edge archetypes that have emerged as part of this shift and identifies the similarities and differences between edge applications and their implications for the supporting infrastructure.  Readers will gain insight on how to improve management of edge locations by leveraging technology including increased connectivity, cloud-based data repositories, role-based access, and data intensive knowledgebases that enable machine-learning. 

Key Takeaways

  • Understand your edge computing applications and their technology requirements
  • Leverage technology to minimize downtime in remote sites and respond quickly to any issues without active involvement from IT management
  • Gain visibility and control of edge locations
  • Connect all IT management through desktop interface or mobile app without being pulled away from their other tasks

Read The White Paper
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